SHMRRC Minutes for the Monthly Meeting
Date: May 2, 2023
The meeting was held at Mt. Lebanon United Lutheran Church, President Jeff Graybill presiding.
           Jeff Graybill, President
           Warren Ashbrook, Vice President
Dave Bodnar, Treasurer
Rich Aubel, Secretary
Dave Tepe
Dave Murphy
Dave Maynard
           Dale Vilsack
Vince Lilja
John Skariot
John Kolonay
Bill Davies
J.R. Kolmer
Liz Kolmer
 Presidents Report:
Division 2 of the NMRA is holding a Rails to Pittsburgh Regional Convention in Cranberry from May 4th to the 7th.  Div 2 has requested that anyone who wishes can bring their straight modules only for a display.  Since the modules will be in a long hallway there will most likely not be many running trains. We realize this is a very late notice.
The Greenberg Train Show at the Monroeville Convention Center is scheduled for August 5th and 6th with setup on August 4th. We may not have enough members bringing their modules to be able to have our usual loop but any modules that we take will be incorporated with the NMRA Div. 2 modules. Since we have converted to the Anderson connectors it won’t be a problem to join with their modules.
A visit to the Carnegie Library for the purpose of a setup there was promising. Although the elevator is small it seems possible to accommodate our needs.  Discussions with the library staff will continue to determine a date or event for the setup and also details about when we can setup. Earth Day was suggested as a possible date so we don’t anticipate anything before 2024.
Discussion with the Upper St. Clair Recreation Center did not go well.  The activities director asked if we could set up in a tent and we declined for various reasons. Contact with the Rec Center ended after that.
An order form for the SHMRRC shirts was circulated among the members. We currently have orders for 12 shirts and an email will be sent out to allow any members not in attendance to get a shirt. The email will contain information about when the order will be placed.
Treasurers Report:
The total in the club treasury is $5,327.25 which includes $5,092.25 in checking and $235.00 cash on hand.

Dave Maynard informed the group that one of the best ways to strip paint off an engine or freight car is to soak it in Pine Sol.  There have been suggestions by model railroad publications about what works but the Pine Sol seems to be effective on both solvent and water based paints. The model may need to be soaked twice to fully remove paint.
 Next Meeting:
The next SHMRRC meeting will be at the Mt. Lebanon United Lutheran Church at 7:00 pm on May 30, 2023